Ensure a long-lasting tile installation in your shower with our professional waterproofing services. We understand the importance of this crucial step, which will remain unseen but will protect your shower for years to come.
“Original and with an innate understanding of their customer’s needs, the team at Love Nature are always a pleasure to work with.”
Jane Miller
After 22 years in the flooring industry, John-Paul Kozlowski still strives for excellence with every project.
John-Paul is a Red Seal-certified installer and an unyielding problem-solver. He’s just as comfortable doing a complicated removal as he is laying down an intricate pattern, and he excels at solving failures in existing installations. John-Paul prides himself in his attention to detail. A home should reflect the owner’s vision, and he is happy to meet unique design requests to help build his clients’ true oasis.
John-Paul and Black Diamond Floors are experts at removing hard surfaces and adhesives, levelling, and installing all sorts of interior and exterior floors – including natural stone, pool tile, and shower systems. Whatever the flooring issue, John-Paul has a solution for you.